R. Antonieta Leitão 214, Freg. do Ó, São Paulo/SP contato@inovacaocolegio.com.br (11) 3932-3747 / (11) 96340-8432

Welcome to Kindergarten school...

Fall Seven Times,

Stand Up Eight.

Let's teach kids, at the kindergarten level, what the contributions of peo- ple of color were to building the United States of America.

Education through play!

Learning never exha- usts the mind

I was coming home from kindergarten - well they told me it was kin-dergarten. I found out later I had been working in a factory for ten years. It's good for a kid to know how to make.

Let's teach kids, at the kindergarten level, what the contributions of peo- ple of color were to building the United States of America.



Student Enrolled



Classe completed






Happy Parents


Services We Provide

I was actually supposed to be a basketball player, not an actress. My parents had me playing basketball on competitive teams when I was in kindergarten. Even though my heart belongs to the arts, I'm a tomboy at heart, too.

I was actually supposed to be a basketball player, not an actress. My parents had me playing basketball on competitive teams when I was in kindergarten. Even though my heart belongs to the arts, I'm a tomboy at heart, too.

I was actually supposed to be a basketball player, not an actress. My parents had me playing basketball on competitive teams when I was in kindergarten. Even though my heart belongs to the arts, I'm a tomboy at heart, too.

I was actually supposed to be a basketball player, not an actress. My parents had me playing basketball on competitive teams when I was in kindergarten. Even though my heart belongs to the arts, I'm a tomboy at heart, too.


Admission Process


Our Happy Parents

  • Gostaríamos de expressar nossa gratidão aos profissionais do Colégio Inovação pela dedicação e parceria durante um ano difícil, destacando o respeito e comprometimento na arte de ensinar

    Leonete – Mãe da aluna Ana Carolina
    Math Teacher


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